Conoce la historia que atesora nuestro país

Medellín|es Memoria VivaMedellín es memoria viva



the Project

MEDELLIN|ES A Living Memory is a cultural intervention for the construction of memory and reconciliation around the socio-economic phenomenon that led to the phase of violence associated with drug trafficking in the city of Medellin during the 70s, 80s and 90s.

It is an exhibition proposal that opens questions and presents some relevant facts regarding violence and resistance in the recent past, through voices, narratives and images of daily life. It is a space to explore Medellin as an unfinished and ever changing story, one that we are building together through a living timeline. It is a chance to remember and imagine the repression and explosion of the 70s, the blindness, fear and perplexity of the 80s, and the awakening of the 90s.

This exhibition installation, which will circulate among 5 UVAs (Articulated life Units in Spanish), proposes a tour through some relevant facts from each decade, associated with the violence of those times. It is intended to help visitors understand the events displayed in the exhibition, and build their own memories of those times.

This is a joint project between the EPM Foundation and the Museo Casa de la Memoria (MCM), with the support of the Partnerships for Reconciliation Program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and ACDI/VOCA.

and locations

MEDELLIN|ES A Living Memory is a joint project between the EPM Foundation and the Museo Casa de la Memoria (MCM), with the support of the Partnerships for Reconciliation Program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and ACDI/VOCA.

MEDELLIN|ES A LIVING MEMORY will be in five UVAs distributed in different areas of the city. By using this public spaces, which are so important for community interaction, integration and social transformation, there is a strengthening of public participation in the construction of memories of violence and resistance in Medellin during the 70s, 80s and 90s.

There is a commitment to shed light on the realities people live, to recognize victims, build life testimonies and encourage (through workshops) reflection and creation of content with the visiting public.

UVAs are urban spaces that seek to take advantage of the infrastructure for water storage tanks (EPM), as an opportunity for community outreach.

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